Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines 2013

February 2013
Valentines Day has always been special to me. Because at this day I celebrate one of my favorite color, RED. But in our house, it's just one ordinary day just like yesterday. Not because it doesn't mean anything to us, but because everyday is always like a Valentines day if you're going to check based on definition of the occasion. :) My husband brought a bouquet of flowers and a card which he always does even with no occasion except that this time, I got 10 kisses instead of 8. lol
Today, I am wearing my pretty top shirt with heart prints (Marshalls, $13-sale) paired with my favorite blue jeans (Penshoppe Phils) and my red suede shoes. My shoes is one of my great deals found from Kohls, I paid $9.99 for this! It's not one of the fancy mancy brand but obviously is one well-made.

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