May 6 to 11 2011
I and my husband went to Seattle, Washington on this dates. It wasn't for vacation purpose but something related to his work, a seminar at Virginia Mason Hospital. He doesn't want me to stay alone in our house while he's on his trip and so he want me to be with him. Since the seminar will start Monday then he decided to leave early so we could also spend our weekend there and hang out or learn from the place. so we did...
We left the house at Friday, around 5:15 in the after noon for 6:25 flight. We were kinda worried because we estimated we will be late. :) but God always provide and knows where to guide us. we did the short cut and some road techniques. (my husband knows it)
So to make the story short, this is a little longer trip compared to goin to Las Vegas. I had my Nook Color with me that helps me to relax during the trip and also to finish the book i am reading, Tom's Bride. :) My husband has his own book for his job, again.
We are expecting rainy weather in our destination so its exactly what we have found out. A taxi from the airport send us to Renaissance Hotel at downtown Seattle where we are going to stay for few days. The taxi driver was African from Kenya. Nice and informative. We arrived at the Hotel starving because i didn't had my lunch and snack before we left as well as him. We just threw our bags in our room, 2103 (rm no.) then we went to Rview for dinner. It's pretty good and somehow made our night and be ready for rest overnight.
On our first day, what we did is to walk around the streets. Its cold outside so we prefer to buy some jacket/coat for me and good thing it's sale at Eddie Bauer. We look around the streets and all you can see are huge buildings and commercial areas and people taking pictures and some are just walking around too. Our first destination is PUBLIC MARKET. It is well known and obviously expect the number of people more than people in the streets. I saw this StarBucks at a corner and told my husband that it might be the first ever Starbucks in this world because i noticed people are taking pictures with its background. but he said no....i was a little disappointed but i believed him. then we walked around seeing just the same stuff that you could imagine that a public market must have except that flowers are everywhere. They are sooooooo beautiful....bunch of people with different colors were there. ;) WE had our Brunch at Etta's Resto, just a small one but with pretty good food and service. So it's worth it...
We went to AMC Theatre at nearby mall just few block before the hotel to watch Thor and we enjoyed it. And then stop by at a MExican Bar and resto just in front of the theatre. We finished our day by just walking around and joining people in the street before deciding to get back to the hotel because we were tired of walking.
Second day, we woke up very late coz we were sore of that walking the previous day so the only thing we did after is get out of the hotel and walk around until we found Hard Rock cafe. It was a good decision because we enjoyed our half day spent with their cool music and fun people. We took some picture inside stayed for a little while before we left. They gave me a nice red rose (maybe one of their gimmicks for mother's day celeb) but i am not YET a mother. :) so it was fun..then another long walk just to drizzle our eyes and finish the day. Before we proceed to the Hotel we stopped and do some shop for personal items at a store then found out that most of the people workin' inside are my people. Didn't talk to them coz they were too busy (but i am dying to ask them :) ) Then we just keep on walking until we've reached the port. Luckily, we were just on time for the tourists 1hour cruise. And so we did it, we paid the ticket and wait for our turn. We were the first set of pair that cross the path into the boat so we got the best spot of the view (for us). Standing right in front of the boat facing the ocean where it leads us and viewed the best scene of Seattle from the Elliot Bay. We were pretty close to Seattle's Aquarium and the huge view of the Space Seattle. It was a very thrilling experience since it was my second time to be in a ferry. 'am still afraid of the sea water....But we enjoyed it felt it all worth it. :)
Third Day, i was left in our room; hubby went to seminar and i spend my whole day inside. watched TV though i am struggling for an idea to go out. But my husband left a note, "please stay inside the room"...so i stayed. Anyway, we had a reservation made at the Space Needle restaurant at 6pm so i just have to wait. Then he came, we were in a hurry to leave coz we forgot it is 5:45 and not 6:00. It was both our first time to be there so its super exciting. We rode in the elevator going up and provided with seats. Know what's pretty cool with that? the dining part of the restaurant is rotating that you could see the view is changin,....the waiter said, 60seconds per window. The food was ok, but i didn't enjoyed it that much coz i got the wrong one. I mean i tried to order new food for me but i didn't liked it so i stayed. But no to another set of food because its too expensive! :D
We took picture after on the upper deck and enjoyed the view facing the Seattle greatness. :D And that ends our day and back to hotel.
Fourth day,
I was left alone again just like yesterday and stayed inside the room. But for some reason i feel like i wanna go out and fear not to meet/see people coz sometimes i run out of confidence with my language ability. Fluency in English..but i did. I went down of the Hotel from 21st floor and started walking way up to the street where we went to on our first day. I've seen a lot of people as always though it's 1pm in the street but not on the spot where i decided to have some eat. It's nice to be alone sometimes while people might wondering i used to smile more often. hehe.. Then i've reached the port again up until Sseattle's Aquarium and a small park. I've seen a big cruise ship, forgot the name, but it's almost few walk from where i stand i could touch it. So, 'been walking for almost an hour and decided to get back coz i might get lost! :) While i was approaching the street going to that big ship, there i saw this two black ladies laughing while crossing the street towards me. They look nice people so i smile. Then after i decided to make a turn on the way back to the hotel, one of this old ladies called my attention, she said,"I like your outfit!" then i said, "Thank you!" then she asked "are you a morrel?" (that's how i heard it) then i said, "I'm sorry what is it?" she said, "a model. a camera." then i said, "oh no. but thank you." then she said, "you should!" hahahaha! that's all then i said thank you and left them. that was nice compliment huh! lol!
Then I keep walking and almost feeling tired already when i remember that i need some stuff from the store few blocks before the hotel. I went inside the store and do some browsing on what other else i could buy for myself. Like i was standing at the sunglasses stand trying on some of it when i man in a wheel chair asked me, "Can you please do me a favor?" i said, "Yes. what is it?", he said, ?can you put on that sunglassess you are holding up? then i smiled and said, "Yes, sure!" he looked at me and said, "No. no. that's not the right one for you." then he smiled. Then he said, "Are you married?" i said, "Yes I am!", he said, "Oh-uh. that's too bad. (looking disappointed)" then he said, "You are beautiful and very stylish." then i said, "Thank you so much! (and big smile)...then I left that corner. I was so so so pleased with what i have heard from this people. (Who will not?) hehehe...Then I pay at the counter and go back to the hotel and tell my husband after he arrived about what had happened. He was also happy for what i did but also a little afraid about me staying alone outside. :))
Fifth Day. Time for depart. But my husband still have to go the seminar for half day so I have to packed things and be ready until he came so that's what i did. Everything are packed in order just ready to grabbed and go. We left the room around 1:30pm and set for airport trip again. We were just in time when we arrived at the airport and security checks were fine and ready to take off. We arrived San Jose Airport around 6pm and we have an hour to drive before reaching home and we are ready to rest.
All in all. everything went smooth and according to plan so we were so happy about it. It was a fun trip. :)
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